Hello all!
In honor of Groundhog day, I am sharing books that were so good that I read them twice! Here you go...your weekly dose of books that changed my life!
1. Decision making
Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder
My personal notes from the book
I've become a big fan of Nassim Taleb over the years. He's published multiple books (all are excellent) and popularized the idea of the Black Swan event. But I think his best work is Antifragile. Ask someone how they define being antifragile–most will describe it as something that doesn't break when stressed. Not exactly. Antifragile is about improving–getting stronger–due to the stressor. Think Hydra–the mythological Greek serpent-like creature with numerous heads. Each time one is cut off, two grow back. So harm is what it likes. Hydra represents antifragility. Antifragility will provide a new perspective to your life. It has changed how I make every decision in mine.
Principle: Stoicism is about the domestication, not necessarily the elimination, of emotions. Someone who transforms fear into prudence, pain into information, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking.
Insight: The fool believes that the tallest mountain in the world will be equal to the tallest one he has observed.
Quote: Provide for the worst; the best can take care of itself -Yiddish proverb
True wealth consists in:
worriless sleeping
clear conscience
reciprocal gratitude
absence of envy
good appetite
muscle strength
physical energy
frequent laughs
no meals alone
no gym class
some physical labor (or hobby)
good bowel movements
no meeting rooms
and periodic surprises
...then it is largely subtractive
Author: Nassim Taleb
Themes: Decision making, Human psychology, Philosophy, Personal development Personal development
2. Living a full life
A Gift to My Children: A Father's Lessons for Life and Investing
My personal notes from the book
I first learned of Jim Rogers around 2010 and quickly read everything he wrote. Retired in his late 30s from the hedge fund business, he went on to travel around the world (twice) and wrote two books about it. You'll hear more about these in a future 3BT. However, A Gift to My Children is my favorite. It is honest, vulnerable, and every page contains incredible insights and advice. While the book was written for his children, the lessons apply to all stages of life.
Principle: Question everything, never follow the crowd, and beware of the boys.
Principle: Ignorance is born of an outsized sense of self-importance. Never let yourself become arrogant. Study hard. The more you learn, the more you will realize how little you know–and armed with this humility, you will never lose sight of the distance that separates self-confidence and self-importance.
Insight: An interest in history, politics, and economics will help you see how occurrences in one country affect other nations as well, economically and in other ways.
Insight: Maintain boundaries between work and life. Skip going out for drinks with the gang after work every night. Notice that your boss does not do it, which is one reason why she is the boss. Never have a drink with your boss, alone. Never drink at a business lunch. Avoid in-office romances. They usually end in personal and professional disaster.
Author: Jim Rogers
Themes: Living a full life, Decision making, Human psychology, Personal finance, Investing, Human psychology
3. Health and wellness
Genius Foods: Become Smarter, Happier, and More Productive While Protecting Your Brain for Life
My personal notes from the book
Not only was this such a fun book to read, but it taught me so much about the foods I eat. Or should I say, the foods I need to eat less of and those I need to eat more of. This is one of those books that will change your eating behavior. And that is enough to make it an important book to read.
Principle: Every passing minute is a chance to run it all around.
Oils to watch out for:
Rice bran
Genius foods:
Extra virgin olive oil
Dark chocolate
Grass fed beef
Dark leafy greens
Wild salmon
Author: Max Lugavere
Themes: Health and wellness, Living a full life, Nutrition, Cooking
Previous 3-Book Thursdays
Oh, Jim Rogers... "Skip going out for drinks with the gang after work every night (😑). Notice that your boss does not do it, which is one reason why she is the boss (🤨). Never have a drink with your boss, alone (😲). Never drink at a business lunch (🙄). Avoid in-office romances (🤯). They usually end in personal and professional disaster. (🥴)"